Power Generation Side

In the field of traditional power generation, the main role of energy storage on the power generation side is to help adjusting frequency in order to make power supply more controllable. In the field of new energy power generation, it can assist in smoother processing and increase green power consumption.

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Power Grid Transmission and Distribution Side

The energy storage system provides intelligent load management for the transmission and distribution side, and timely provides peak shaving and frequency regulation based on the load situation of the power grid. The Ligend energy storage system can achieve functions such as capacity expansion, emergency power supply, capacity expansion for the transmission hub, peak load shifting for regional power grid loads, and ensures safety, stability, efficient, and low cost operation of the power grid.

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User Side (Industrial & Commercial)

With the rapid update of new energy systems, the demand for new energy of power grid has increased significantly. With high reliability design and comprehensive security management, Ligend energy storage products have been successfully applied in large-scaled industrial, commercial and residential fields, and expanded to emerging applications such as power backup, UPS power settlement, and smart charging stations, reduced social electricity cost, improved electricity security, and help green power connected to the grid smoothly.

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User Side (Household)

The Ligend household energy storage can reduce household power cost, meanwhile it can be used as an emergency backup power supply to improve reliability. In addition, it can help the power gird transferring power to balance the power generation capacity and power consumption demand. Let the clean energy enter the ordinary people’s home and help users to maximize the self generation and self use of green energy.

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User Side (Communication Base Station)

Ligend communication energy storage system provides users with peak valley arbitrage model and emergency power supply, saves users’ electricity costs, improves electricity safety guarantee and provides a complete power settlement product solution for multi-application scenarios such as 5G communication stations and data centers. It has the characteristics of not disturbing the people, convenience and economy.

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