3.3 Trinity New Energy Storage R&D System

1 Institute and 3 centers

Ligend Power energy storage research system builds its core technology architecture and team with “1 Institute and 3 centers” (the Central Research Institute, Cell Development Center, Energy Storage System Integration Center, and the Testing and Certification Center).

Central Research Institute

Test Certification Center

Cell Development Center

Energy Storage System Integration Center

Central Research Institute

With the strategic planning combination of “2 Station+2 Office+2 Department”, Ligend integrates advanced technology and high-end talents, build a national research institute, carry out industrial landing and upgrading, and promote industry technology development.

2 Station

Academician workstation
Doctoral workstation

2 Office

International Cooperation Office
Industry-university-research cooperation office

2 Department

Advanced Technology Research and Development Department
Technical Achievements Transformation Department

R & D investment accounting for sales ratio
0 %
R & D team scale
0 +
0 +
Master researcher
0 +

Top manufacturing capabilities

Founded aluminum shell cell production line advantage


Use digital twin technology

With Digital Simulation Modeling production lines, prove the utilization of production lines, production capacity data, factory facilities utilization rates, and optimize time, optimization of material buffer, and logistics line optimization.

Equipment virtual debugging shortens the production cycle

Use robot interference simulation, line body linkage simulation, structural dynamic simulation, thermodynamic simulation, fluid mechanics simulation, etc. to perform virtual debugging, shorten the production cycle.

Equipment key component simulation analysis

The key parts of the equipment, key components, are analyzed by professional teams, flow fields, stability, etc. to ensure that the design of the key parts of the equipment is safe and reliable, and the design theory is accurate and feasible.

Whole line AIOT (AI+IOT)

The entire line adopts AIOT (AI + IOT) intelligent networking technology to improve intelligence;

Comprehensively implement the concept of standardization

Standardization of layout, component standardization, component standardization, parameter standardization, and debugging standardization;
Adopting industry-leading intelligent production line solutions, the production capacity and yield rate are higher, and the factory area and energy consumption are lower.

Advantage of the Module & Pack Manufacturing Line

The intelligent production line of Ligend’s square energy storage module adopts cutting-edge high-tech technologies such as mechatronics integrated control, computer information processing, and automated intelligent detection, ensuring the safety and quality of the entire line while achieving intelligence.

6Quality characteristics 24 Process quality control points

Safety Control

10 safety control points, ensuring the safety of the entire line

Appearance Design

Professional sheet metal design, sound insulation and noise reduction, with a small footprint

Quality Control

15 major quality control points, ensuring the quality of the entire line

Min Switching Time

Compatible with multiple processes and specifications of battery cells, convenient switching

Structure Design

Standardized and modular design, stable and reliable structure

Labor Saving

High degree of automation, simple operation, and labor saving

Container integrated assembly production line advantage

The industry's first highly automated container integrated assembly line

Into cluster

1. The container is automatically transported to the workstation through AGV for assembly
2. Automatically grab the PACK box throughout the entire process and insert it into the container cluster frame for positioning
3. Automatic loading of assembly materials throughout the entire process
4. Optical intelligent assisted positioning system

Tighten and secure

1. The container is automatically transported to the workstation through AGV for assembly
2. Fully automatic nail supply and automatic tightening of PACK box fixing bolts throughout the process;
3. Large capacity bolt cache capacity;
4. Optical intelligent assisted positioning system

Test Certification Center

Ligend Power Testing and Certification Center plans to invest 80 million USD and establish a joint laboratory with internationally leading testing and certification institutions with WTDP and CNAS qualifications based on leading domestic and international professional equipment and instruments. After completion, it will achieve comprehensive testing and certification from lithium battery raw materials to battery cells, module packs, and system integration products.

One Stop Solution

Reliability Analysis

failure analysis

International certification

Technical consultation

Test certification equipment