Zhu Lifan, Secretary of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, and Wan Wenhua, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, led a team to visit Shenghong Energy Taizhou Base for inspection


On January 4th, Zhu Lifan, Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, and Wan Wenhua, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, respectively led teams to visit Shenghong Energy Taizhou Base to inspect the construction achievements of the first phase of the 5GWh energy storage lithium battery and system integration project. Ding Chunxiang, General Manager of Shenghong Energy Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., warmly received the visiting leaders, accompanied by Zhao Shibin, General Manager of Shenghong Energy Taizhou Base, Gu Zhihua, General Manager of Shenghong Energy Marketing, and Hu Rui, General Manager of Strategy&Marketing.

During the visit, Zhu Lifan, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, highly praised the construction of a leading fully automated production line in the entire industry at Shenghong Energy Taizhou Base, creating a complete industrial chain from key lithium battery raw materials, battery cells, modules to terminals. He also gave full recognition to the “Taizhou speed” of project construction that started, completed, put into operation, and invoiced and sold in the same year. Require all regions and development parks to carefully learn and draw on the successful experience of the Shenghong project promotion, accelerate the construction of a scientific, efficient and perfect project promotion mechanism, provide strong support to enterprises in project approval, element guarantee, and other aspects, and better and faster promote the early production and effectiveness of projects. He encouraged enterprises to actively seize new opportunities in the digital economy, vigorously promote the “smart transformation, digital transformation, and internet connectivity”, enhance total factor productivity through the comprehensive interconnection of people, machines, and materials, and continuously enhance core competitiveness. As a key project of the province and city, the municipal party committee and government will maintain high concern and help the high-quality development of the project.

Ding Chunxiang, General Manager of Shenghong Energy, gave a detailed introduction to the company’s production line construction, process, product development, system construction, market expansion, and other aspects. Ding Chunxiang stated that all employees of Shenghong Energy worked together to build the Taizhou Energy Storage Industry Chain Base and achieved certain construction results. Behind this achievement is the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, the strong guarantee of special teams at the city and district levels, and the continuous empowerment of Shenghong Holdings Group and the strong support of upstream and downstream cooperative enterprises in the industry chain!
Regarding the continuous innovation and business development of the project, Ding Chunxiang stated that Shenghong Energy has competitive advantages such as self-developed full stack technology, intelligent manufacturing of the entire industry chain, and full scenario application of products. Based in China and with a global multi-point layout, it has achieved smooth delivery of multiple domestic and foreign bulk orders. In the future, Shenghong Energy will continue to invest in research and development and upgrade technology, while fully promoting the early production and efficiency of the Taizhou base, driving the joint development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, and contributing Shenghong’s strength to the construction of Taizhou’s billion dollar new energy industry innovation cluster.